Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Fancy Video of a Modern Fab

Here's a cool video to give your family and friends an idea of what our industry produces: Thanks to sleibson for his post Watch Lexar make them memory chips – Months of time compressed into six minutes of video | EDA360 Insider.

Early in my career, I got to visit the IBM Burlington fab when they were introducing a brand-spanking-new technology called "CMOS". Little did I know that would be my last chance to set foot in a semiconductor fab. So, I'm always fascinated to see how things look today. Some things I learned:

  • there's another domestic fab besides Intel and IBM!
  • Micron owns Lexar?
  • some of the coolest automation is the mechanical stuff, like the wire bonder and the laser marking

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've watched the video actually and I was so amazed on how cool and innovative these companies are. And they did a very good job in providing quality service to their clients. Maybe that's why many people are into having semiconductors careers. Technical recruiting agency is also doing its very best to hire employees with better skills for a company to be stable and be at its best.